IGP Vallée de Torgan

About thirty kilometers from the Mediterranean and to the east of the Corbières Mountains, the wine-growing region of the Vallée du Torgan (Torgan Valley) stretches over the muncipalities of Tuchan and Paziols, at the foot of Mount Tauch. It owes its name to the often calm, but sometimes tumultuous stream that flows from the foot of Mount Tauch.

The geological history of this zone gave birth to a considerable multiplicity of soil: schist in the north, limestone rock deposits or gravel at the foot of the Tauch, the marlstone of Trias, the conglomeration of smooth pebbles on the heights of Paziols and to the esat of Tuchan.

The planting of different grape varieties (l’encépagement) is adapted to the environmental conditions of the territory, with traditional, Mediterranean grape varieties.

The vineyards, constituted of a mosaic of small parcels of land, strongly contribute to the maintenance of an open environment in the middle of a forest and therefore play an essential role in the preservation of biodiversity.

This landscape promotes oenotourism, which boosts the reputation of the products and their worth.


Grape varieties: Cabernet-Sauvignon, Carignan, Chardonnay, Cinsault, Grenache, Merlot, Mourvèdre, Pinot, Sauvignon, Syrah.

Average yield: 55-60 hl/ha

